72) Ultratel 48kg/m³ Black Faced Board

Ultratel 48kg/m³ Black Faced Board is chosen when the acoustic insulation is able to be viewed i.e. through a perforated or strip ceiling with Ultra high acoustic properties

Ultratel 48kg/m³ Black Faced Board comes in 2400mm long x 1200mm wide boards and is available in the following pack sizes:


R0.8 2400mm x 1200mm x 25mm (6 pack = 17.28m2)
R1.5 2400mm x 1200mm x 50mm (3 pack = 8.64m2)


Customer Reviews


“Great range of pressed metal panels, had the best advice and also a lot cheaper than other suppliers”


“Thank you so much for the great service i recieved from Scott. See you again soon with another order. Cheers..Chrissy”